
Affirmations to Help Motivate You

We asked over 100 people what they say to themselves when they are giving themselves a positive pep talk. Sometimes this is a necessary first step to get your feet and spirit moving and keep your walking commitment to yourself! Use these ideas to rev your engine as needed!

  • Everything moving forward
  • will be 100% alright!
  • One step, one block, one hill or one mile at a time!
  • This too shall pass (regarding any negative mindset).
  • I am loved just as I am.
  • Taking this step is more than what I used to do!
  • With head held high and shoulders squared “Walk like you own the place!”
  • I CAN do this!
  • Let it go! (regarding any negative mindset)
  • I AM strong!
  • If I do not use it, I will lose it!
  • I have done this before and I can do it again!
  • I keep going because I can conquer anything!
  • I will be so proud of myself if I do this!
  • The only thing you can’t recycle is time, don’t waste it!
  • I can do hard things!
  • Let’s Go!
  • Just keep moving!
  • The past is no longer an option.
  • I am successful and that is AWESOME!
  • Why not? Really…why shouldn’t I do something that will help me feel better?
  • I didn’t come this far to only come this far!
  • I am here to enjoy this NOW!
  • Tomorrow I will appreciate what I did today!
  • Hey! Look at me! I am back!
  • I am going to find out what is next for me!
  • Be the tree! (like a tree growing and thriving with its roots wrapped over top of a rock or something similar.)
  • Breathe.
  • I CAN if I think I can!
  • This is a day that I can enjoy!
  • I keep moving forward!
  • The reality is, not many things can ACTUALLY slow me down.
  • Calm seas do not make a good sailor.
  • Never put off today because you don’t know if tomorrow is coming.
  • I am healthy and I am loved!
  • Mind over matter.
  • It’s OK that I’m feeling what I’m feeling. I can still do this.
  • Be present and take it all in.
  • If I make my goal…terrific. If I miss, there’s always tomorrow.
  • I am doing this for me, but I am also doing this for my kids (or someone else you love).

Ahhh, feel better now? Even if you don’t believe any of these about yourself YET, we believe in you. You will get there! Share a positive affirmation that has worked for you in the comments below!


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